Scroll down to see our parish news, events and opportunities to get involved!
The Mass schedule for the fall semseter beginning Monday, August 26th will be as follows.
Monday: 12:20pm & 6:30pm at St. Thomas
Tuesday: 12:20pm at St. Thomas & 6:00pm at St. Mary
Wednesday: 12:20pm & 5:00pm at St. Thomas
Thursday: 12:20pm & 9:00pm at St. Thomas
Friday: 9:00am at St. Mary & 12:20pm at St. Thomas
There will be no change to weekend Masses, except the addition of the 7:00pm Student Mass.
All parishioners and students are invited and welcome to join us for the Welcome Back Cookout this Sunday, August 25 at 4:30pm at the Catholic Center. The first student Mass of the semester will follow the cookout at 7:00pm in the Chapel.
2024 OLQOP Vacation Bible School - August 5th-9th, 9:00am-12:30pm. Held at our St. Mary location in Coventry, this will be a wonderful opportunity to come and experience the true joys of our faith in fun and creative ways! Through crafts, games, and hands-on activites we will provide a safe enviroment for our children to come together and grow in community with one another as we center ourselves on Christ and His message to us. VBS is open to Grades PreK-5th, (Student Guides: grades 6-12th). Cost is $50 per child or $100 max for multiple children in family. Register today! If you have any questions or would like to register, contact Rebecca Holmes at
Join Fr. Jacob after the 9am Mass on Wednesday for a time to get together for conversations about the Faith! Come with questions about Scripture, Theology, Church History, Prayer, etc. This is intended to be an open time for all and any to find Fr. Jacob available. When: After the 9am Mass on Wednesday, June 19. Where: St. Mary
Deacons Alex Pandolfe, Julian Cuervo, and Eric Hosmer will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, June 29, at 10:30am at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. On Friday, June 28, there will be a Eucharistic Holy Hour at 6:00pm at the Cathedral to pray for the men being ordained and for all the priests and religious of the diocese. All are welcome and encouraged to attend both events!
Thursday, May 9th is the Ascension of the Lord. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be held at 7:00pm on Wednesday evening (Vigil) and 9:00am & 7:00pm on Thursday. All Masses will be held at St. Mary Church.
With the generous support from Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish and regional communities, the Catholic Student Center students, led by UConn Sophomore Ava Abruzzese, collected over 1,000 daily essential items to help homeless veterans. They even welcomed some extra helping hands from the "Little Sisters of the Poor" in Enfield. As donations arrived, they sorted the items and then filled over 30 backpacks. These backpacks are like home to many veterans. Military veterans have all learned how to survive for months with just a backpack. After challenging deployments, when a veteran returns home they often face the hardest part of the process- reintergrating into their civilian lives while battling the hidden wounds of war. It's importent to let veterans know there is hope and they can get on a path to self-sufficiency with the support from their community.
The Knights of Columbus Council 4313 present a: Italian Stuffed Shell Dinner. Saturday, May 18th at 5:30pm at St. Mary Church, 1600 Main St, Coventry CT. Proceeds to benefit Seminarians and Coventry Human Services. The cost per meal is $15, most major credit cards are accepted. Menu includes: Stuffed Shells, Meatballs, Sausage and Peppers, Salad, Garlic Bread, and Dessert. Take-out or dine-in!
The St. Jude Council will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, May 12th, after the 10:30am Mass in the St. Mary Church Hall. The cost for the breakfast is $5 ($20 family max) and includes your choice of regular, blueberry, chocolate chip, or gluten-free pancakes, with butter and syrup, sausage, and coffee, tea, hot chocolate, lemonade. Take-out will be available.
The Legion of Mary invites all parishioners to join in praying the Holy Rosary for an end to the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine and for lasting world peace. The Rosary will take place on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 5:30pm in St. Mary Church. Through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Mother, we lift these urgent intentions to the Lord, so that He may bring an end to the suffering, restore peace in these troubled regions and promote harmony among all nations. All are welcome to attend and unite in prayer.
There will be a Backpacks for Life Donation Drive to help homeless veterans on Saturday, April 27, 2024, 9:00am to Noon at the Catholic Center, 46 North Eagleville Rd, Storrs CT. The BFL pack provides a unique and personalized support system to homeless and at-risk veterans. A backpack is not only a symbol of hope for our veterans but also their mobile home and something that they are very familar with. The BFL pack consists of 3 kits listed below. Kit #1 (regular size containers) Shampoo/Conditioner combo, body lotion, shaving cream, razors (2-blade minimum), deodorant, dental floss/picks, hairspray/gel, toothpaste & toothbrush, bar soap with container, hand sanitizer (travel size). Kit #2 (clothing sizes L-2X) Socks, t-shirts, hand & foot warmers, gloves, watch cap (hat), rain poncho, umbrella (small), gallon-size storage bags. Kit #3, nail clippers, lip balm, body wipes, hairbush/comb, notebook & pens, mini flashlight with batteries, first aid kit (small travel size), gift cards for food/gas ($10-$25). Monetary donations can also be made to support the kits valued at $50, or the cost of the backpack valued at $100 per pack.
The Knights of Columbus sponsered the annual Easter Egg Hunt for all children of the parish on Saturday, March 30th. 45 children between the ages of 1 and 13 took part in the many activites which included the Easter Egg Hunt, Crafts Table, Easter Games, and more. Easter Baskets were awarded for the boys and girls in each age group that collected the most eggs. There were snacks and goody-bags for all children who particpated, and chocolate bunny's for those who found the "Golden Eggs." All ages were given an equal chance to win one of the six new bikes that were given out by the Knights (see picture of the winners). The Knights wish to thank Alex & Kelly Whitham, Omar Kouatly, Rick Parr, Ken Boutin, Mike Whitham and the Confirmation Students who helped with the event.
OLQOP Baby Bottle Collection for the Women's Center of Eastern CT Pregnancy Center. We will be collecting from April 13 - May 12. Thank you to our parish family for your wonderful response to the OLQOP collection of very much needed baby items for the Pregnancy Center. You made a difference to the mothers and their babies. May God bless you for your generosity! Baby Bottles are now available at the Greeters' tables at both churches. Please take one, fill it with your monetary donations, and return to the designated boxes by Mother's Day, May 12th. Money will be used to help purchase much needed items for the new moms and their babies. What a beautiful way for you to show your support to these women who chose life in the midst of the challenges they face. God bless you all!
Haitian Ministries annual Wine and Food Pairing event will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024, at 5:30pm. It will be held at the St. Mary Church Hall. The ticket price is $45 and all tickets musr be purchased in advance. To purchese tickets call Eileen at 860-742-0681, contact Lou Friedrich at 860-872-4189, purchese tickets have certain Masses or see a Haitian Committee member. Sample six different wines paired with six different foods. All proceeds help support our secondary school in Les Palmes, Haiti. Come have fun and support a good cause!
There has been many articles and reports of the violence and unrest in Haiti. Most of the unrest is in Port au Prince, the capitol. Please pray for peace. We are happy to report that our school in Les Palmes is in operation and over 400 students are attending classes. By supporting our school, we hope that the students will have the background to help their country to establish a goverment that serves the people.
There will be a Divine Mercy Celebration on Sunday, April 7, 2024, from 2:00pm-3:30pm at St. Mary Church, Coventry. There will be Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction and other devotions. Presided by Deacon Kim Thompson.
St. Monica Ministry of Hope will be meeting Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30pm at the St. Mary Rectory. Praying to bring our loved ones back home. Meeting the 2nd Tuesday of every month at St. Mary's rectory after the 6:00pm Mass. St. Monica persevered in prayer for many years for the conversion of her lost son, St. Augustine. Her example of prayer, kindness, and patience eventually led him home. Many of us can relate to St. Monica with the challenges of modern society and keeping our loved ones grounded in faith. This prayer service is an opportunity to come together and pray for one another, for our loved ones and for the conversion of lost souls. We welcome ALL men and women, parents, grandparents, god-parents, anyone with a heart intent on praying to bring our loved ones back home. If interested or have any questions, send to
Attention men of OLQOP Parish! The Knights of Columbus St. Jude Council invite all men of our parish to join us at the Cor Gathering, a new faith formation and fraternity opportunity for OLQOP. The purpose of our Cor Gathering is to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue, drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The next meeting will start with the 6pm Mass on Tuesday, April 9th at St. Mary's and continue with a gathering in the St. Mary Church Hall after Mass. Come join us for pizza, fraternity, and faith formation.
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
The peace of the risen Lord be with you and all whom you love. On this Easter Sunday, we rejoice in the Lord's victory over sin and death. Assembled with their companions, the Eleven apostles first heard the good news of Jesus' Resurrection. While they were discussing all this, Jesus stands among them. In their fright, in their guilt, and in their wonderment and awe, the Risen Lord greets them, "Peace be with you!" (cf. Luke 24:36-37) While the mere sight of Jesus would easily recall their guilt, His presence and His greeting of peace changed all of that. They heard His greeting: "Peace be with you!" They did not need an explaination. They knew exactly what Jesus meant. All is forgiven! Why are you so upset? (cf. Luke 24:38) In that moment, His disciples passed from death to life; they went from the sin and despair of betrayal and denial to the joy and hope of the victory of new life that Jesus shared with them. Through the Church, Jesus continues to share that joy with us. In His Risen Presence, the Lord greets us with His peace and we rejoice in His gift of new life. At times we betray, deny, and turn away from the Lord but in the same way that Jesus greets His disciples on the day of His Resurrection, He reaches out to us. He embraces us with His love. He touches our hearts with His peace. Just as that short but powerful greeting of peace bestowed new life on His disciples, Christ's peace embraces us with mercy and forgiveness. His peace gives us a rebirth to new life. It shares with us the power of the Resurrection to begin living in a new way. The old way of living-of selfishness, indifference, pettiness, and sin-passes away and in it's place, God's love fills our hearts. On this Easter Sunday, Jesus stands before us and He greets us with His Peace. The power of sin and death is destroyed. His greeting is as much a sign of His Resurrection and His desire to share His life with us today as it was when He first appeared to His disciples and spoke that greeting to them. How can we fail to to rejoice and to celebrate His Resurrection? How can we not return to the Lord and share in His victory? In the light of faith, we celebrate the Eucharist on Easter and we renew our belief that Jesus is Risen. Through the power of the Spirit, Jesus abides with us today and every day. Easter celebrates the great truth that we are forever changed, forever made new through Jesus' Resurrection. With full heart, we renew our Baptismal commitment to serve God faithfully and live as faithful witnesses to Our Lord Jesus Christ. As we renew our commitment to the Lord, Jesus embraces us with His love and changed our hearts with His gift of peace. Peace be with you! Happy Easter!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Michael R. Cote
Bishop of Norwich
Saturday, April 13th at 9:00am at St. Thomas. Father would like the garden taken apart at St. Thomas and moved over to St. Mary. So, if you could bring your hammers, heavy duty staple removers, cordless drills, and any other tools you think we may need please join us. Many hands make light work. Thank you!
The St. Jude Council will be hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday, April 7, after the 10:30am Mass in the St. Mary Church Hall. The cost for the breakfast is $5 ($20 family max), and includes your choice of regular, blueberry, chocolate chip, or gluten free pancakes, with butter and syrup, sausage, and coffee, tea, hot chocolate, lemonade. Take-out will be available.
We are in need of people willing to assist us with the Muffin Ministry for the UConn students at the Catholic Center. If you are intrested in being involved with this, please contact Eileen at 860-742-0681.
All Christmas decorations, wreathes, and any other Christmas related items need to be removed from the cemetery by April 1st. Thank you.
The Liturgy Schedule for Holy Week will be as follows.
Tuesday, March 26 - 10:30am Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of St. Patrick
No 12:20 Mass
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper - 7:00pm at St. Mary
Good Friday: Liturgy of the Lord's Passion - 3:00pm at St. Mary.
7:00pm Stations of the Cross (at both churches), confessions to follow
Holy Saturday: 11:30am Blessing of Easter Baskets at St. Mary. Easter Vigil - 8:00pm at St. Mary
Easter Sunday: 8:30am at St. Thomas, 10:30am at St. Mary, 7:00pm at St. Thomas