The first sacrament that Christians receive is Baptism, a welcoming into the family of Christ. This sacrament involves the pouring of water to symbolize both the washing away of sin and also the living water which Christ promises to deliver to those who follow him.
To assure that parents have a full understanding of what it means to have their child Baptized into the Catholic faith, they will be asked to attend one learning and faith-sharing gathering where they will meet with a mentor couple along with other parents who are preparing to have their children baptized.
At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed Catholic and provide a copy of their Confirmation Certificate before scheduling the Baptism.
Parents are asked to call the Parish Offices and arrange to participate in the Baptism program.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process in which a person who is not baptized or baptized in another faith denomination, has not received instruction, first communion, or confirmation, journeys with others like them and other Catholics to be fully initiated in the Catholic faith. It is a process of formation. There are four steps in this formation process which culminates at the Easter Vigil with the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. The parish community, through its prayers, witness, worship, service, and catechesis, offers the invitation and support for the men and women to be initiated into the Catholic Church. Weekly meetings are held beginning in September.
Associate Director of Parish Administraion,